Liên kết
35 lớp
Cô Thessa
35 lớp
Kinh nghiệm: 1-3y năm
Chứng chỉ: Others certificate
5 Đánh giá
Chú ý sửa lỗi HS
Mở rộng bài
Tập trung vào hội thoại
Thân thiện
Vui vẻ, hài hước
Kinh nghiệm: 1-3y năm
Chứng chỉ: Others certificate
Giới thiệu

Hello there! (Xin Chao). My name is Teacher Thessa and I'm from the Philippines. I am an English teacher with TEFL certificates and three years of experience in teaching. This means that I am qualified to teach children and young professionals, and I love children. In my free time, I like to watch TV, draw, and play with my dogs. I am also good at dancing, acting, and singing. I believe that learning English shouldn't be difficult and boring. That’s why, I make sure to use toys, flashcards, and praise cards to have more fun and engaging with my class, so that all my lessons are interesting, interactive, and informative. So, if you're interested in learning English with me, book a class now! See you soon.

0h - 4h
5h - 9h
10h -14h
15h- 19h
20h- 24h
Chứng chỉ
  • TEFL
  • Bachelor's Degree
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